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Contact form:

We ask that when messaging through our contact form. That you provide another means of contact for you, (phone #, secondary email, etc.) so we can provide you a return message. If you do not receive a response within 24hrs submit a new request or contact us another way. Thank You!

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Hurley, MO

Tel: 417-576-2204 -OR- 417-709-9297


Farm hours

Mon - Fri: 10am - 8pm

​​Saturday: 10am - 6pm

​Sunday: 12pm - 6pm

Please call or message regarding any purchases

We accept all major credit cards using Square and Paypal.

Link for Paypal:

If you do NOT receive a response, via email from our contact form. Please send another message, call or contact us another way. Thank You!

2017 Blue Line Farms  Proudly created with

Website last updated: 8/2023

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